Arkansas User Guide
Volume 1
Prepared for the
Department of Transportation
State of Arkansas
May 03, 2018
Celtic Systems
8961 E. Bell Road
Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Revision History
Version |
Date |
Name |
Description |
1.0 |
05/03/2018 |
Celtic |
Draft |
Arkansas User Guide, Version 1.00
Document release date:
This manual and the software described in it are furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license. The content of this manual is for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Celtic Systems. Celtic Systems assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.
Celtic Systems
8961 E. Bell Road, Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Table of Contents Renewal License Information Renewal Jurisdiction Information Additional / Replacement Decals
1.3.7 Additional Payment Processing Cancel Supplement Payment Cancel Tax Return Payment Interest Rates Inquiry Batch Process Inquiry Reprint Blank Quarterly Tax Return Reprint Renewal Notice Reprint Shipping Document Reprint Audit Invoice Reprint Notice for Quarterly Tax Return
1.3.12 Administrative Functions IFTA Load Tax Rates Transmittal Part Payment Transmittal Set Remitted Date IFTA Demographic to IFTA Inc. Leeway Batch Process IFTA Load Interest Rates IFTA Close Non Renewed Carrier IFTA Notice of Non-Filing IFTA Notice of Intent to Cancel Permit or License IFTA Notice of Cancellation IFTA Notice of Proposed Assessment IFTA Final Assessment, Demand for Payment IFTA Notice of Cancellation Release Escrow that is over 8 quarters Upload IFTA Decal Information Delinquent Carrier Past Statute of Limitation Out of State Distribution IFTA Zero Mileage Carriers Supplement Fee Report Return Parameter Exception Report Zero Mileage Carriers Report Distance Comparison Report Outstanding Balance Report
The objective of the User Guide is to provide a step-by-step description of the new system flow with various screen prints.
Please refer to the Arkansas Enterprise User Guide, Volume 1, Section 1.1
Please refer to the Arkansas Enterprise User Guide, Volume 1, Section
IFTA processing includes the following Supplements:
Supplement |
Abbreviation |
New Account |
Renew License |
Duplicate License |
Additional Decals |
Reinstatement |
Change License Details |
Continue License |
Additional IFTA transactions include the following:
· Tax Returns
· Tax Return Audits
To create a new license, a client record should be created and verified first. To begin the transaction, the user must provide the Client No. or TIN. The client information will be searched on the provided information, if a client record is found the process will continue. If a matching client record is not found an error message will be displayed notifying the user a client record does not exist and must be created.
Follow the steps below to create a new IFTA Account:
A new IFTA account can only be established if owner information exists on the Client account. The IFTA account profile must be established using the Account Detail Screen.
The Client Details and Contact Information fields populate from the information in the Client record and the user cannot change this information.
· Customer Details
o Client ID
o Client Name
o Customer Status
· Address Details
o Physical Address
o Mailing Address (if provided)
· Contact Information
o Contact Name
o Primary Phone No.
o Mobile Phone No. (if provided)
o Fax No. (if provided)
o Email
· IFTA Account Details
o IFTA Account Status – is defaulted to ACTIVE and the user cannot change it
o Status Effective Date – is defaulted to the current date and can be changed
o Comments – The user clicks the plus (+) or minus (-) icon to expand this section and add free-form comments in this area. After adding text to the comments box, the user must click on the SAVE COMMENT button to save the comment in the account record
NOTE: The “Allow Delete” checkbox is defaulted to checked, and the user can uncheck it if the comment should not be deleted at any future point.
Click the PROCEED button to execute the application’s edits and display the validation screen.
The validation screen will be displayed showing the user a consolidated view of the Account information. If the user determines some of the information needs to be corrected, they can select BACK and the system will display the Account screen again. The user can make the required changes and select CONFIRM.
After CONFIRM is selected on the validation screen, the IFTA account information will be saved to the database and the License Detail screen will be displayed..
The Fleet Detail screen will pull information from the client screen and default the status to “A-Active”. A red asterisk indicates mandatory fields “*”.
The following fields cannot be changed on the fleet details screen. If changes are required, the user must make the necessary changes at the Client level.
The following information is defaulted from the account information, if it was populated and may be changed:
· Contact Name
· Primary Phone NO.
· Mobile Phone number
· Mobile Service Provider
· Fax No
· Reporting Service Information
· Place of Business address (can be edited but not deleted)
· Mailing address can be updated or deleted
The Fleet Details screen provides the user a snapshot of any available IRP account(s) and fleet(s) associated to this customer to assist in the issuance of IFTA decals.
Complete the Operation Info by selecting the following:
Comments – Use the plus (+) or minus (-) icon to expand and close this section and add free-form comments in this area. Select the SAVE COMMENT button to apply comments to the record, select the Access Level and indicate whether the comment can be deleted by checking/unchecking the Allow Delete checkbox. Enter comments as necessary.
After you have entered the information, click
the PROCEED button on the command line and the system will perform edits to ensure
that you have entered all the mandatory fields and that they are correct to the
extent possible. The validation screen will display, click CONFIRM to continue
the transaction
The Jurisdiction screen contains a list of all jurisdictions where a customer has Bulk fuel storage.
To add additional jurisdictions, perform the following steps:
o Select the Show Map link to display the map
o Select the appropriate jurisdiction which will be added to the jurisdictional field
o Click in the Jurisdiction field to display a list of jurisdictions
o The jurisdiction dropdown contains a list of individual jurisdictions as well as groups of jurisdictions
To remove a jurisdiction(s) that was added by mistake:
To start over with the selection of jurisdictions, select CLEAR on the command line
To stop the entry of the renewal without losing the Account and License Details information
o This process will be covered in the Continue/Payment section of this manual
To cancel the fleet for any reason, select CANCEL SUPPLEMENT
Select PROCEED to display the Jurisdiction verification screen
Select CONFIRM from the Jurisdiction verification
screen to display the Credential Details screen
Proceed from the Credentials page will generate the following documents.
IFTA licenses must be renewed annually and are valid for the calendar year January 1 through December 31. Renewal Notices and decal applications are sent to active carriers during the month of November.
Renewals will not be allowed if:
· License status is not Active
The current IFTA license information will be populated with the existing values from the previous year except for the DBA If changes are required for the client name or other client information, the user should change them by updating the Client account information at the Enterprise application level.
Note: The system will check the IFTA license account and if there is cause to deny the renewal, a letter will be generated with the reasons for the IFTA renewal denial.
Once the user has made any necessary updates to the IFTA Fleet screen in the IFTA Renewal transaction, the supplement will go directly to the Billing screen.
The user can click on the Jurisdiction tab at the top of the screen to make any necessary jurisdiction changes on this screen as indicated in the New Carrier Account Process (See
Once all the jurisdiction information is updated, select the PROCEED button to move to the Credential assignment.
The various supplement transactions can be accessed by selecting the associated option within the Supplements menu tile on the IFTA Application main menu screen, with the exception of the Change Fleet supplement which is located within the Fleet menu tile. IFTA supplements include the following:
· Additional / Replacement Decals
· Change Fleet
· Issue Temp Permit
· Decal Correction
The user will click the desired supplement option and then a supplement search screen will appear. The initial supplement search screen is common among all the available supplements with the Supplement Type appearing at the upper right corner of the screen. The common search fields include, Client ID / TIN, Registrants Name, Fleet No., and Fleet Expiration Year.
issue additional decals, do the following:
· Select ADDITIONAL / REPLACEMENT DECALS from the SUPPLEMENTS menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter at a minimum the Client ID/TIN and Select PROCEED to display the account
· The IFTA account status must be Active. If the IFTA account is not active (closed or revoked), a message will inform any user of the condition and issue a hard stop.
Throughout the year the carrier may need to change IFTA license information and receive a new license. The changes may include DBA, addresses, and fuel types. As a result of this supplement, a new license will be issued.
If the Client Name TIN, or USDOT No. require changes, the updates must be made at the Enterprise / Client level, prior to creating the Change License Details supplement
To process a Change Fleet supplement, perform the following steps:
· Select CHANGE FLEET from the FLEET menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
o Select PROCEED to display the Account Details screen
A new license and a shipping document may be generated based upon the Electronic Delivery Type.
If AMCS has determined that an IFTA customer qualifies for decal refund, this supplement is used.
An IFTA license will not be issued upon the completion of this supplement.
To complete the decal correction supplement, perform the following steps:
· Select Decal Correction from the SUPPLEMENTS menu tile at the IFTA application level menu.
The Continue/Payment transaction works to allow a user to continue a transaction already in progress and allows a user to:
· Quit in the middle of a transaction without losing the information processed to that point
· Access unfinished supplement transactions at the point where the last logical piece of work has been completed
· To continue processing a tax return, Select TAX RETURN from the CONTINUE/PAYMENT menu tile, then:
o Enter the Client ID / TIN and return year and quarter if available - (additional search fields are available for use)
o Click the SEARCH button to display a list of available tax return options
§ If only one tax return exits, the system will automatically continue to the tax return details
§ If multiple tax return options exist, a list of tax returns will display and the user will select the desired tax return to continue processing
For IFTA, Continue / Payment includes the following options:
· Audit Return
A user will not be able to continue a transaction using the Continue / Payment option if the account/license status is in cancelled or revoked status.
To continue a supplement already started but not completed, do the following:
· Enter the required Client ID/TIN and any additional search fields if known
· Click the SEARCH button
The system will retrieve the supplement from the last logical step saved when the user quit the supplement. Continue the supplement through completion or select the CANCEL SUPPLEMENT if so desired.
To continue a tax return already started but not completed, do the following:
· Select TAX RETURN from the CONTINUE/PAYMENT menu tile
· Enter at least one of the search fields – provide the Client ID / TIN, return year and return quarter to narrow the search
· Click the SEARCH button to continue the tax return
To continue an audit tax return started but not completed, do the following:
· Select AUDIT RETURN from the CONTINUE/PAYMENT menu tile
· Enter the required Client ID/TIN and any additional search fields if known to narrow the search
· Click the SEARCH button
The system will retrieve the audit tax return from the last logical step saved when the user quit the supplement. Continue the audit tax return through to completion.
IFTA (Quarterly Tax Return form) will be generated via a batch process prior to quarter end for each active customer. A separate return will be generated for each fuel type and the appropriate tax rates will be pre-populated on the form. The customer should return the completed form prior to the quarterly due date to prevent interest and penalty charges.
o 1st quarter (January – March) are due April 30 of the given year
o 2nd quarter (April – June) are due July 31 of the given year
o 3rd quarter (July – September) are due Oct 31 of the given year
o 4th quarter (October – December) are due Jan 31 of the following year
Returns are subdivided into four categories:
o The initial entry of a quarterly return
o Once the original return has been completed through the post payment process, any changes requested by the client results in an amended return
o If a return requires a change based upon a AMCS error, a correction can be made to the return. This transaction is normally done after transmittal of the information to the other jurisdictions.
o As part of the audit process, each return that is included within the audit timeframe will be included in the audit.
Incomplete returns can be accessed through the CONTINUE / PAYMENT menu option.
Follow the steps below to enter an Original Tax Return:
The system will display the Tax Return entry screen with the IFTA account details displayed at the upper right corner. For an original return the Amendment No. is always zero
o Select the jurisdiction from the jurisdiction dropdown or select the Show Map link and select the appropriate jurisdiction on the map
o Select ADD
o Select one of the following options from the jurisdiction dropdown:
§ All US Jurisdictions
§ All IFTA Jurisdictions
§ Surrounding Jurisdictions
· The base jurisdiction as well as immediate surrounding (AB, BC, ID, MT, ND, SD, SK, WY)
§ Previous Quarter Jurisdictions
o Select ADD
§ Each jurisdiction will display in the list of jurisdictions
· If applicable, additional lines will be included for jurisdictions with surcharges or if a jurisdiction has had a rate change during the quarter
§ Miles and gallons will be entered separately for each jurisdiction
Click the delete icon associated with the jurisdiction(s) and
the jurisdiction will be removed from the list
o Enter the total miles and total paid gallons for each jurisdiction that was previously populated
§ The taxable miles will default to the total miles
· If a jurisdictions rate changes during the quarter (split rates), a separate line will appear for each effective date and rate. The miles and gallons must be entered for each line based upon travel between the effective date and the next effective date or end of the quarter
· In some extreme situations (i.e. floods), the tax rate table will indicate that interest is being waived for a particular jurisdiction for a given year, quarter and fuel type. In this situation the Waived Int. checkbox will automatically be checked next to the jurisdiction
Miles in Non IFTA jurisdictions
Return Details section
The Return Details section balances the miles and gallons provided by the customer on Schedule A and the miles and gallons that were entered by jurisdiction from Schedule B. This process will also calculate the MPG to compare to the MPG that was calculated by the customer as part of Schedule A
o The total miles should include the Non IFTA miles
o The MPG will be calculated based upon the Total Miles and Gallons entered
o The Total Miles and Tax-Paid Gallon columns will be totaled for all jurisdictions. This information will be used to compare to the totals that were entered from Schedule A
A comment field is available for any notes that may be required. This field will be available for internal as well as external users. Note: A comment is required by external users if they have an MPG of less than 4 and more than 15.
The following buttons provide additional functionality:
o The tax return transaction will be completely cancelled
o All values entered from the last time the screen was accessed will be deleted
§ Initial access to the screen, the jurisdiction list will return to the previous quarter’s list
§ If the return had been saved and accessed through Continue/Payment, the screen will be refreshed to the values that were saved at the time the user selected Save & Quit
o The return information is saved
o The user is returned to the IFTA Application level menu
o The return can be accessed through Continue/Payment to complete the return
o Removes all the jurisdictions listed and any data already entered
o The total miles and gallons that were entered will be compared to the totals calculated by the system including Non IFTA jurisdictions mileage
o If an error is identified a message will display at the top of the screen
o If no errors are identified, the Tax Return Payment Details screen will display
After all tax return information is entered (Total Miles, Tax Paid Gallons, etc.) select PROCEED and the system will display the verification screen. On the Verification screen the system performs some initial calculations and displays:
Tax Return Payment Details screen
Review and make any necessary adjustments to the Tax Return Payment Details screen or return to the actual Tax Return to make detailed corrections
o This field will only display if the net due is greater than zero
§ If the customer’s payment matches or is greater than the net due, no entry is required
o If the customer’s payment is less than the net due, enter the amount of the payment
The following buttons provide processing alternatives:
o The tax return details will be displayed online, if payment is not being made at this time, the user can print the return as the invoice for the customer
o If the receipt date has been changed or interest or penalty has been waived, the user must recalculate the return to generate the correct net due
o To correct a return prior to making the payment, select CORRECT TAX RETURN, the Tax Return detail screen will display. Make the necessary corrections and continue as before
o The screen will be refreshed
o To save the return without making the payment. The transaction can be accessed through Continue/Payment
o To continue with the payment process and display the Payment Details Verification screen
Tax Return Payment Details Verification screen
The verification screen provides the user with a final review of the information prior to:
If the Actual Payment amount field was not entered on the Tax Return Payment Details, it will default to the net due and display on the verification screen
The user has multiple options from this screen:
o If based on the total miles and gallons that were entered and calculated for columns D and G and Non IFTA jurisdictions mileage, the total due amount is 0 or the customer is due a refund, this option will appear
o Selecting the COMPLETE RETURN button allows the users to complete the Tax Return and bypass the payment screen
o Returns the user to the Tax Return Payment Details screen, At this point the user can choose to correct the tax return by selecting CORRECT TAX RETURN, waiving interest or penalty, if necessary, or change the receipt date and recalculating the fee using RECALCULATE, which may have an impact on the calculation of interest and penalty
o This function is used when additional AMCS transactions are to be included within a single payment. This process is covered in more detail in the Enterprise manual
o If the net due is zero
§ The IFTA tax return and payment receipt will be generated based upon the Electronic Delivery Method chosen
§ The IFTA Application Level menu will be displayed with a message identifying the account no, return year, quarter, amendment no, and fuel type that was completed
o If the net due is less than zero
§ The IFTA tax return and payment receipt will be generated based upon the Electronic Delivery Method chosen
§ The IFTA Application Level menu will be displayed with a message identifying the account no, license year, quarter, amendment no, and fuel type that was completed
§ Also a refund transaction will be generated in AMCS
· If the refund is less than $5.00 the refund status will automatically be updated to Denied
· If the refund is 5.00 or greater the refund status will be set to Pending
o If the net due is greater than zero, the Payment Details screen will display
Payment Process for a single tax return
The Payment Collection screen will display once the user selects PROCEED on the Tax Return Payment Details Verification screen
o The transaction description will include the IFTA account number, fleet number, return year and quarter, fuel type, and amendment no
o The amount due should be equal to the actual payment amount from the Tax Return Details Verification screen. This amount will be the amount of the tax return if a full payment is being made or the partial payment amount that was entered by the user
o Click the REMOVE FROM CART button
o After the system confirms the transaction has been removed from the cart, click the Quit button
o From the IFTA level menu, select the TAX RETURN option from the CONTINUE/PAYMENT menu tile
o Enter the required information to select the appropriate account, then click the CORRECT TAX RETURN button to return to the tax return and make the necessary changes
o Verify the Electronic Delivery Type
o Select CONTINUE PAYMENT, the verification screen will display
Payment Process for Multiple Tax Returns
The user will select ADD TO CART on the Tax Return Payment Details Verification screen for each return. The returns could be for different quarters or for different fuel types for the same quarter.
To access the transactions for payment:
o The invoice description will include the IFTA account number, fleet number, return year and quarter, amendment no and fuel type
o The amount will equal to the actual payment amount from the Tax Return Details Verification screen. This amount will be the amount of the tax return if a full payment is being made or the partial payment amount that was entered by the user
o The net due will be the total of all returns listed on the screen
o To correct the return prior to making the payment
§ Select QUIT
§ Return to the tax return through Continue/Payment and use the CORRECT TAX RETURN button to make the necessary changes
§ Select PROCEED then ADD TO CART on the Tax Return Payment Details screen
§ Return to the Finance level menu and select CART PAYMENT from the PAYMENT menu tile. The transactions should appear in the cart, so select PAY NOW then CONFIRM to continue with the payment.
o Verify the Electronic Delivery Type
o Select CONTINUE PAYMENT - the the verification screen will display
o Select PAY to complete the payment
If a carrier had no operations for the quarter, they are still responsible for reporting this information.
To record a No Operations return, perform the following steps:
o If the information is incorrect, select BACK to return to the Tax Return screen
o If the information is correct, Select PROCEED to display the Tax Return Payment Details screen
Payment Details
Penalty charges may apply for a no operation return if the return is not filed timely, which will be calculated based upon the Payment Receipt Date. This field will default to the Postmarked Date from the Tax Return screen
If the tax return is past due, penalty may be due. This process is discussed later in this process.
o Note: The View Invoice, Recalculate, and Correct Tax Return buttons will be discussed within the Quarterly Tax Return section
o The following is generated based upon the Electronic Delivery Type selected
§ Quarterly Tax Return Invoice
IFTA carriers can amend any tax return filed within the last 3 years or 12 quarters. Many of the business rules for original tax returns apply to the amended tax returns. When an amended tax return is being filed, the previous return (usually the original) entry fields will be shown for reference. Once information is updated, a user can select the SHOW PREVIOUS AMENDMENT button to display the previous return entries below the newly entered totals.
Follow the steps below to enter an Amended Tax Return:
o If a return has not been entered, the return will be considered an original tax return
o If the original return has been entered but not paid, a message will display indicating that the return is available through Continue/Payments for updates
o If a return has been entered and paid, the following message will display to verify that the user is attempting to amend a return that has been completed
o The Tax Return screen will display with the following information:
§ The Amendment No. will be updated to the next amendment number. Originals are amendment number 0 and each amendment after is incremented by one.
§ The supplement name at the upper right corner will display Tax Return Amendment The Miles and Gallons fields will be pre-populated with the previous return’s values (normally the original)
The Tax Return verification screen will display the amendments to the return as well as calculate the fees.
The Return Details section displays the penalty due for the amendment, if applicable, the return amount, previously paid return interest and penalty, additional interest for the amendment, previous payments and the total net due associated with the amendment.
The amendment may result in additional fees or a refund to the customer.
Review the results and continue processing the amended return as you would an original return.
Sometimes errors are made when tax returns are entered and are not realized until after the return has been transmitted. If an internal user has made the error, this process will provide a way to file a special amendment, which allows the internal users to reverse penalty, and interest that was charged incorrectly as well as make any other changes to the return for the carrier. If the external user caused the error, the regular amendment process should be used.
The following are examples of errors that qualify as corrections vs. an amendment
To perform a correction on a tax return that has already been transmitted, do the following:
The system will return the requested tax return information and provide to ability to:
After the corrections are made to the tax return, select PROCEED to complete the transaction as you would a normal tax return.
To generate a tax return the user will perform the following steps:
· Select TAX RETURN INQUIRY at the TAX RETURN menu tile
· At a minimum one search criteria must be entered and it is usually the Client ID / TIN prior to selecting SEARCH
· The grid displays the search results based on the search criteria entered. If more than one tax return exists, the user will be provided a list of results. Select the view icon for the desired tax return to be viewed.
o If more than one tax return is displayed, paging is available on the screen. If more than one page of results are found, the buttons at the bottom right of the list will be enabled and allow the user to navigate by clicking the First, Previous, (Page Number), Next or Last.
The system will provide the facility to maintain the account information outside of the supplement processing.
Perform the following steps to update account information without generating a supplement.
· From the IFTA application level menu, select UPDATE ACCOUNT from the ACCOUNT menu tile
· From the Customer Search screen, enter the following:
o The Client ID/TIN or Client Name
o Select SEARCH to display the Update Account Details screen
Changes to the Client Details information must first be made to the Client Account at the Enterprise Level. The user will be able to:
· Update Account Status and add an Effective Date
· Add Previous IFTA License information
· Add Previous Suspension/Revocations
· Comments (add/delete – if available)
To complete the update, perform the following steps:
· Select CONFIRM, the user will be returned to the IFTA Application level menu
The system will provide the facility to maintain the fleet information outside of the supplement processing. Perform the following steps to update fleet information without generating a supplement. The IFTA License will not be generated.
o Enter appropriate data in any of the available search fields, those primarily used include, Client ID/TIN, Fleet No. or Fleet Expiration Year.
o Select SEARCH to display the Fleet Details screen
In addition to the status, additional fleet information can be changed such as Contact information, Mailing and Shipping Address, Reporting Service information and Fuel Type.
Additional information can be changed by authorized internal users, including:
· Fleet Status and Status effective date
· Fleet comments
· Liability date
· Power of Attorney information
The AMCS system provides an additional payment-processing capabilities for IFTA returns.
If a partial payment has already been made for a tax return, the user will access the return through CONTINUE/PAYMENT to post the additional payment amount. The return status is partially paid. The customer would have received and outstanding balance letter.
To enter an IFTA audit, select AUDIT RETURN from the AUDIT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu.
Perform the following steps to complete the entry of audit results:
· The Tax Return screen is similar to an amended tax return, the Amendment No. is incremented by one and the Amend/Orig. field displays as “Audit”
· In the Jurisdiction Details section, the Miles and Tax Paid Gallons fields are automatically populated with the latest return for the quarter and available to be changed.
· Complete the return with the audited results as you would an amended return. Enter the Total Miles and Gallons and select CALCULATE. This will calculate the MPG and generate totals for each column.
· Also check the Waive Int. checkbox, if it meets AMCS’s business rules not to charge a penalty
o Each quarter is cancelled separately. Starting with the second quarter of the audit the CANCEL button changes to CANCEL QTR
After the entry of the last quarter included in the audit, the Tax Return Payment Details screen will display with the fees due or owed to the customer based upon the calculation of all returns
To correct a return within the audit, perform the following steps:
o The screen will display the first return within the audit
§ If changes are not required, select PROCEED on the Tax Return screen, verify the results, select CONFIRM on the Tax Return verification screen to display the next return
§ If changes are required, make the necessary changes, select PROCEED to display the Tax Return verification screen, verify the results and select CONFIRM to display the next return
§ Repeat the process until the Tax Return Payment Details screen is displayed
The auditor should perform the following steps to provide a proposed invoice to the customer and close the audit transaction:
Audit Review and Adjustments
o Select the RECALCULATE button to the left of this field to generate the correct interest and penalty
Payment/Refund Process
The payment/refund process is the same as it is for all returns with the exception that the audit must be paid in full.
Users can inquiry on an audit by performing the following steps:
The AMCS system provides a number of reports . The following is a list of available audit reports available by selecting the appropriate report options from the AUDIT REPORTS menu tile on the IFTA application level menu
Depending on the report selected, a number of search fields will be displayed and/or required to generate the report. Enter the search criteria required or available and then click the GENERATE button to produce the report.
County Decals
County Gallons
County Miles
Taxable Miles
Mileage Report
ARDOT Audit Report
To cancel an IFTA supplement payment, do the following:
To cancel an IFTA audit payment, do the following:
To cancel an IFTA tax return payment, do the following:
The system will provide the user with the capability to perform inquiries on all of the IFTA related information using the tree structure. The various inquiry options are available in the corresponding menu tiles at the IFTA application level menu. Below is a list of available inquiries from the IFTA application level menu.
· From the Account menu tile:
o Account Inquiry
· From the Tax Return menu tile:
o Tax Return Inquiry
· From the License menu tile:
o License Inquiry
· From the Audit menu tile:
o Audit Inquiry
· From the Inquiries menu tile:
o Fleet Inquiry
o Jurisdiction Inquiry
o Supplement Inquiry
o Temp Permit Inquiry
o Tax Rates Inquiry
o Interest Rates Inquiry
To generate an inquiry related to a specific account or tax return, the user will perform the following steps:
· At a minimum one search criteria must be entered and it is usually the Client ID / TIN prior to selecting SEARCH
· The grid displays the search results based on the search criteria entered
· Paging is available on the screen. If more than one page of results are found, the buttons at the bottom right of the list will be enabled and allow the user to navigate by clicking the First, Previous, (Page Number), Next or Last.
To view the structure of the entire
account, click the folder icon to the left of the
Client ID in the grid.
· The account structure will appear on the left side of the result screen including all License years as well as tax returns filed within the license year.
· Each level with a “+” can be expanded or if a “-“ is displayed can be collapsed
To perform a fleet inquiry, perform the following steps:
· Select FLEET from the INQUIRIES menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· At the Fleet Search inquiry pop-up screen, enter at least one search criteria and then click SEARCH
Depending on the search
criteria entered the system will return matching records. Each entry will have
a view icon and a folder icon
· Click the view icon and the system will open a pop-up screen with the Fleet details for the selected account
· Select the PRINT button to print the fleet detail information
· Select the CLOSE button to close fleet detail pop-up
· Select QUIT to return to the IFTA level menu to CLEAR to enter new data and perform another search
To perform a supplement inquiry, perform the following steps:
· Select SUPPLEMENT from the INQUIRIES menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· At the Supplement Search inquiry pop-up screen, enter at least one search criteria and then click SEARCH
o Enter additional search criteria to narrow the search
Depending on the search
criteria entered the system will return matching records. Each entry will have
a view icon and a folder icon
· Click the view icon and the system will open a pop-up screen with the Supplement details for the selected account
· Select the PRINT button to print the supplement detail information
· Select the CLOSE button to close supplement detail pop-up
· Select QUIT to return to the IFTA level menu to CLEAR to enter new data and perform another search
To perform a Jurisdiction inquiry, perform the following steps:
· Select Bulk Fuel from the INQUIRIES menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· At the Bulk Fuel Search inquiry pop-up screen, enter at least one search criteria and then click SEARCH
Depending on the search
criteria entered the system will return matching records. Each entry will have
a view icon and a folder icon
· Click the view icon and the system will open a pop-up screen with the Jurisdiction details for the selected account
· Select the PRINT button to print the jurisdiction detail information
· Select the CLOSE button to close jurisdiction pop-up
· Select QUIT to return to the IFTA level menu or CLEAR to enter new data and perform another search
To perform a tax rate inquiry, perform the following steps:
· Select MORE within the INQUIRIES menu tile to reveal the TAX RATES INQUIRY option, then select it
· On the Tax Rates Inquiry screen, enter the required Return Year and Return Quarter in the appropriate fields
· Click the PROCEED button
The system will display a listing by jurisdiction tax rates for the quarter and year entered
Authorized users will have the ability to print or export the data.
· Scroll to the bottom of the tax rate listing and select the appropriate button
o Excel
o Print
· Follow the prompts to save or open files depending on the selection made
To perform an interest rate inquiry, perform the following steps:
· Select MORE within the INQUIRIES menu tile to reveal the INTEREST RATES INQUIRY option, then select it
· On the Interest Rates Inquiry screen, enter the required Interest Effective Date or the Interest Year
· Click the PROCEED button
The system will display the entry that matches the search criteria used
A user can inquiry on any of the batch processes and check their status. To do this perform the following steps:
· Click the BATCH INQUIRY button to open a Batch Process Inquiry pop-up screen
· Select the batch process using the drop down
· Select or enter a date range (system defaults to today’s date)
· A user can either select a specific status to view, or leave the Status field blank to view all batch jobs for that batch process type selected.
· Click the SEARCH button to display a list of batch jobs that match the search criteria
To obtain further details about the batch process, click the Batch ID link for the specific batch job to be viewed.
A user can select the VIEW REPORTS button to display a list of reports available for viewing or the VIEW LOG button to display a list of the logs for each batch process executed.
The system provides the ability to reprint the items listed below:
o Reprint of a filed tax return for a specific customer, year and quarter
o The return will be for a specific year and quarter
o The return can be printed without customer information or for a specific customer
o The return will include all of the jurisdictions and associated rates
o A blank renewal notice or a renewal notice for a specific customer
o Reprint of invoice for an audit that has been created
To perform a reprint function, select one of the reprint options listed above from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA level menu, enter the appropriate search criteria and select SEARCH.
To reprint an IFTA license do the following:
· Select LICENSE from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter at a minimum the Client ID/ TIN – Registrant Name, Fleet No., Fleet Expiration Year and Supplement No. are also available search fields
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to display a list of search results then click the print icon of the account for which the license is to be generated
To reprint quarterly tax returns perform the following steps:
· Select TAX RETURN from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter at a minimum the Client ID/ TIN. – Additional fields such as Fleet No., Return Year, Return Quarter, Fuel Type and Amendment No. are also available to narrow the search
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to display a list of search results then click the print icon of the account for which the tax return is to be generated
To reprint a Blank Quarterly Tax Return, do the following:
· Select BLANK QUARTERLY TAX RETURN from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Select the type of blank return to be printed
o Blank Report – Will print a blank report with no carrier mailing information
o Select Carrier – Will print a blank report with the selected carrier’s address information
· Enter the Client ID/ TIN and Fleet No. (required for a Carrier blank quarterly tax return), Return Year, Return Quarter and Fuel Type using the drop down list
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to generate the blank quarterly tax return for the desired account
To reprint a renewal notice do the following:
· Select RENEWAL NOTICE from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter the Client ID/ TIN and Fleet Expiration Year (both required), and Fleet No. if desired
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to display a list search results then click the print icon of the desired account
To reprint a Shipping Document, do the following:
· Select SHIPPING DOCUMENT from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter at a minimum the Client ID/ TIN (required) – Fleet No., Fleet Expiration Year and Supplement No. are also available to narrow the search
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to display a list search results then click the print icon of the account for which the shipping document is to be generated
To reprint the Audit Invoice, do the following:
· Select AUDIT INVOICE from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter at least the Client ID/TIN and additional information such as Fuel Type and Audit Quarter date range to narrow the search
· Select the Invoice Type from the drop down list
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to display a list of search results then click the print icon of the account for which the audit invoice is to be generated
To reprint a Notice for Quarterly Tax Return, do the following:
· Select NOTICE FOR QUARTERLY TAX RETURN from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter at a minimum the Client ID/ TIN and Fleet No. (both required) – Return year and Return quarter are also available to narrow the search
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to display a list of search results then click the print icon of the account for which the notice for quarterly tax return is to be generated
To reprint a Letter, do the following:
· Select LETTERS from the REPRINT menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter at a minimum the Client ID/ TIN, Fleet No., Return Year and select the Letter type – all are required
· Select the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY TYPE from the drop down
· Select SEARCH to display a list of search results then click the print icon of the account for which the letter is to be generated
The system provides a number of batch jobs, all of which have a user interface that provide the following processes:
· Submit the batch process to execute
· Perform inquiries about the status of the execution
· View logs
· View Report/Results
The IFTA batch options provided include:
· IFTA Transmittal
· IFTA Load Tax Rates
· IRP Mileage
· Transmittal Part Payment
· Transmittal Set Remitted Date
· IFTA Demographic to IFTA Inc.
· Leeway Batch Process
· IFTA Load Interest Rates
· IFTA Close Non Renewed Carrier
· IFTA Notice of Non-Filing
· IFTA Notice of Intent to Cancel Permit or License
· IFTA Notice of Cancellation
· IFTA Notice of Proposed Assessment
· IFTA Final Assessment, Demand for Payment
· IFTA Notice of Cancellation
· Release Escrow that is over 8 quarters
· Upload IFTA Decal Information
· Delinquent Carrier Past Statute of Limitation
· Out of State Distribution
· IFTA Zero Mileage Carriers
· Renewal Notice
To access any of the available IFTA batch processes, do the following:
· Select IFTA BATCH PROCESS from the ADMINISTRATIVE menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Based on the batch process selected the user will enter required data and select a process mode (if applicable) to execute the batch process.
See the below screen shots to view the required data to execute the batch processes.
Monthly process for creating the IFTA Transmittal is:
· Create reports
· Balance against the ledger
· Transmittal Part Payment
· Create reports
· Balance using the ledger and Financial Reports and Transmittal Part Payment Process
· Create IFTA clearinghouse files
· Check Clearinghouse totals
· Set Tax Returns to remitted
· Transmittal Part Payment
· Create reports
· Balance using the ledger and Financial Reports and Transmittal Part Payment Process
· Create IFTA clearinghouse files
· Check Clearinghouse totals
To run the IFTA Transmittal batch process, do the following:
To load IFTA tax rates into the system, do the following:
To execute the IRP Mileage batch process, do the following:
To execute the IFTA Transmittal Partial Payment batch process, do the following:
To set the remitted date on the IFTA Transmittal, do the following:
To execute the batch process and send the IFTA Demographic information to IFTA Inc. do the following:
To execute the Leeway batch process do the following:
· Select the Process Mode (Update or Report)
· Select PROCEED
To load the IFTA Interest Rates and execute the batch process do the following:
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process and close Non Renewed IFTA Carrier accounts do the following:
· Enter the Fleet Expiration Year
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process for IFTA Notice of Non-Filing, do the following:
· Enter the Fleet Expiration Year
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
To execute the batch process for the IFTA Notice of Intent to Cancel Permit or License, do the following:
· Enter the Return Quarter and Return Year
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process for the IFTA Notice of Cancellation, do the following:
· Enter the Return Quarter and Return Year
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process and generate the IFTA Non Payer Suspension First Letter do the following:
· Enter the Run Date (defaults to last date of the previous month)
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process for Final Assessment, do the following:
· Enter the Run Date (defaults to last date of the previous month)
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process for Final Assessment, do the following:
· Enter the Run Date (defaults to last date of the previous month)
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process and Release Escrow that is over 8 quarters do the following:
· Select or enter a Run Date (defaults to today’s date)
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process and Upload IFTA Decal Information do the following:
· Enter the required FROM and TO dates in the appropriate fields
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process and identify delinquent carriers past the statute of limitation do the following:
· Enter the Run Date which defaults to the last day of the previous month
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process and display a list of carries with zero IFTA miles do the following:
· Enter the required Return Quarter and Return Year
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process for Notice of Quarterly Tax Return do the following:
· Enter the required Return Quarter and Return Year
· Select the Process Mode (Report or Update)
· Select PROCEED
To execute the batch process and generate the Renewal Notices do the following:
· Select either All Accounts or Selected Accounts
o If the Selected Accounts option is used, the Account No. From and Account No. To fields are required to be entered
· Enter the Renewal Year
· A user can choose to also sent the renewal notices via SMS or Email, just click the appropriate checkbox
To update IFTA tax interest waiver, perform the following steps:
· Select UPDATE TAX RATES from the ADMINISTRATIVE menu tile at the IFTA application level menu
· Enter the required Return Year and Return Quarter in the applicable fields
· Select PROCEED to display the tax rates
· Check the ‘Waive Interest Flag’ for the appropriate jurisdiction then select the UPDATE button
The following is a list of reports and processes that are available by selecting the appropriate report options from the REPORTS menu tile on the IFTA application level menu
The report processes all provide a similar initial screen where a date range or quarter and year are required.
To generate the Carrier Report, the user must select a Reporting year from the dropdown and select a Report type by clicking the appropriate radio dial. The user can also select a sorting option or leave the default (Client ID). Choose the Electronic Delivery Type then click the GENERATE button to produce the report.
To generate the Supplement Fee report, select the Report Type from the drop down, Payment date range (from and to), Office ID from the drop down list, then select the Electronic Delivery Type from the drop down list then click GENERATE.
To generate the IFTA report, select the IFTA Report type using the drop down, Enter or select the FROM and TO date range, and select the Electronic Delivery Type from the drop down list then click SEARCH to generate the report.
To generate the FHWA report select the Return Year from the drop down list then select the Electronic Delivery Type and click GENERATE.
To generate the Return Parameter Exception report select the Return Year from the drop down list then select the Electronic Delivery Type and click GENERATE.
To generate the Filer report enter the required Starting and Ending Quarters and Years in the appropriate fields, select a Report Type then select the Electronic Delivery Type and click GENERATE.
To generate the Decal Request report, enter the Start and End date range and select the Electronic Delivery Type from the drop down list then click GENERATE.
To generate the Zero Mileage Carrier report, select the Return Year and Return Quarter, enter the Client ID/TIN in the ‘Generate Letter for’ field, select the Electronic Delivery Type then click GENERATE.
To generate the Distance Comparison report enter the required Client ID and Fleet Expiration Year. Enter the Fleet No., Fleet Expiration Month and Distance Type to narrow the search. Select the Electronic Delivery Type from the drop down list then click GENERATE.
To generate the Outstanding Balance Report, enter the Start and End date range and select the Electronic Delivery Type from the drop down list then click GENERATE.